Catholic Church restores Ptolemaic theology
Pope rescinds Galileo apology: “Mankind is the center of the universe, after all.”

Early church investigates deniers.
Moving formally to recognize the man-made catastrophic global warming model, Pope Francis today renounced Pope John Paul II’s earlier forgiveness of Galileo Galilei in 1992. The Italian skeptic, a 16th century proponent of denialist claims that mankind is not the center of the universe, also claimed that the sun, rather than being a mere ball of light in the heavens, played a major role in human affairs.
Pope Francis’s actions return Catholic theology to the dominant scientific consensus in favor of the Ptolemaic humanocentric model of the universe.
For decades, this model has shown catastrophic and deadly changes lie mere years ahead of us. Those who would deny this model seek to doom mankind to a thousand years of hell on earth.
Pope Francis said that John Paul erred because he did not recognize the the primacy of the Bible over scientific affairs.
This led him to transpose into the realm of skepticism a question which in fact pertained to scientific models.
Pope Francis added that the Church was taking steps to prevent future theological mistakes such as John Paul’s heliocentric heresy.
The Pope joins modern scientists in recommending tribunals for apostates and heretics who dispute the catastrophic anthropogenic warming model or who question its extent. He suggested an inquisition into denial theorists to stamp out the spread of this anti-science conspiracy.

Two consensus scientists convince skeptics that warming is real.
“They are enemies of mankind,” the religious leader said.
Francis suggested that the traditional punishment for unscientific skepticism, burning at the stake, could be alleviated if the skeptic recanted:
Anyone claiming that the sun might play a major role in climate change could, to avoid the death penalty, recant their denials. They should still be placed under house arrest, forbidden to spread their heresies, forbidden also to use the Internet or other modern communications methods.
Democrats promised to support the Pope’s jihad against human-centric climate deniers, and said they were going to look at the religious leader’s other positions as well. The popular left-Ptolemaic web site ThinkProgress announced a new consensus in favor of restoring moral theology and prayer to public schools, and in Texas, Democrat Wendy Davis said that “this pope guy, he has some interesting ideas that play well in the heartland.”
The Texas Democrat promised, if elected in the previous election, “to support legislation banning abortion at any stage in a pregnancy.”
ThinkProgress writers agreed. “The Pope calls on us to become custodians of Creation,” site writer Jack Jenkins wrote, “and where better to start than protecting the unborn?”
- After Years of Threats, Prominent Climate Alarmists Still Seek to Jail Climate ‘Deniers’: Sean Long at NewsBusters
- “A writer at once called for a kind of ‘climate Nuremberg’ and had to apologize and amend his remarks, while scientists have publicly demanded imprisonment or even ‘the death penalty.’”
- Does Climate Change Skepticism Merit Jail?: Ronald Bailey at Reason Magazine
- “David Suzuki has called for political leaders to be thrown in jail for ignoring the science behind climate change.” (Memeorandum thread)
- Pope Francis Makes Biblical Case For Addressing Climate Change: ‘If We Destroy Creation, Creation Will Destroy Us’: Jack Jenkins
- “Pope Francis made the religious case for tackling climate change on Wednesday, calling on his fellow Christians to become ‘Custodians of Creation’ and issuing a dire warning about the potentially catastrophic effects of global climate change.” (Memeorandum thread)
- The Pope’s Mistaken Moral Calculus On Global Warming: H. Sterling Burnett at Watts Up With That?
- “None of the disasters asserted by climate alarmists to result from global warming has come to pass. Hurricane numbers are down, deaths from natural disasters have declined, sea ice is on the rise, and crop production is increasing. Climate models have yet to be validated, missing the lull in temperature rise for the past 18 years and the declining rates of sea-level rise for the past decade. Instead, the gap between temperatures projected by climate models and temperature observed in reality grows yearly.”
- Vatican Science Panel Told By Pope: Galileo Was Right at The New York Times
- “Moving formally to rectify a wrong, Pope John Paul II acknowledged in a speech today that the Roman Catholic Church had erred in condemning Galileo 359 years ago for asserting that the Earth revolves around the Sun.”
- Wendy Davis: Supporting Open Carry and Gun Rights Was Just a Lie: Nick Leghorn at The Truth About
- “The entire point of an election is to identify a candidate who supports your beliefs and will be an advocate for your opinions in government. In order to make that possible, candidates put themselves in the spotlight and make their positions known on everything from abortion to gun rights to whether they want to spend money fixing the pothole on your street. The system only works so long as the candidates truthfully describe their own beliefs, and detail what they will do once in office.”
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