President Obama blames EU, self, for Brexit vote
I failed to understand issues of critical importance to the British people, says President. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

“I’ve learned important lesson from Brexit vote,” President announces. (Official White House Photo by Sonya N. Hebert)
President Barack Obama told the world Friday that his campaign in England for Remain may have tipped the balance in favor of Leave. He added that European Union bureaucrats share in the blame for Britain leaving the European Union.
He also had sharp criticism for German chancellor Angela Merkel.
“Nobody likes to be told what to do, what to buy, who their friends are, and how to live,” said President Obama. “The British people have been complaining to the EU for years that Union has been becoming less of a partnership and more of EU bureaucrats telling member nations—and even member citizens—how to live their lives.”
“The European Union,” President Obama continued, “has become unresponsive to the will of the people. To the needs of the people. Instead of asking for consensus, it has dictated. When the people voted in disagreement with the direction of European governance, the EU cut the people out of the discussion.”
Inside sources tell the Reader that some of the President’s advisors had recommended that Obama blame Republicans and Christians for the sudden shift in favor of Leave. Some recommended blaming the National Rifle Association, whose pro-terrorism campaign in Britain may have exacerbated racism and xenophobia.
But, our sources say, the President told them to “shush”. “European Union bureaucrats, and especially German chancellor Angela Merkel, refused to listen to the people. I’m embarrassed to admit that I occasionally tune out the crowd as well. And you all—you all practically have waffles in your ears.”
The President likened the Brexit vote to the Supreme Court’s refusal to overturn a federal judge’s ban on the President creating new immigration laws without consulting Congress.
“In 2005,” President Obama told the Reader, “European Union bureaucrats followed the same playbook trying to change their constitution. They told the French and the Dutch that if they voted against the changes, they were racist, they would bring back the Holocaust, they were in favor of war.”
But, said the President, both French and Dutch citizens overwhelmingly rejected the proposed constitutional changes.
Rather than going back to the drawing board and coming up with changes the people could support, they went to the chopping block and cut the people out.
That sounds maddeningly familiar to how we passed Obamacare, how we have changed the way illegal immigration is treated, and how we twisted Title IX to allow men into women’s bathrooms and to take their places in school sports.
And how the Iran deal was sold?
“And the Iran deal,” said the President. “We’re going to change. From now on we’ll follow established law, deal openly with voters, and work within the confines of the separation of powers, to ensure that the people’s concerns are properly addressed in the lawmaking process.”
European Union
- Dutch European Constitution referendum, 2005 at Wikipedia
- “The perception of an aggressive and ruthless style on the part of the ‘Yes’ campaign also put off many. The Minister of Justice, Piet Hein Donner, warned that a rejection would raise the chances of war… The Minister for Economic Affairs, Laurens Jan Brinkhorst, said that ‘the lights would go off’ in the case of a rejection and that The Netherlands would become ‘the Switzerland of Europe.’ The People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy withdrew a controversial television broadcast, in which rejection was connected with the Holocaust, the genocide in Srebrenica and the terrorist attacks on March 11, 2004 in Madrid.”
- French European Constitution referendum, 2005 at Wikipedia
- “The possible consequences of a ‘No’ vote were highly debated in France before the referendum. Proponents of the Constitution, including Jacques Chirac, claimed that France’s standing in Europe had been considerably weakened. Pro-EU campaigners for a ‘No’ vote argued that the Constitution could be renegotiated. ‘No’ vote campaigners, particularly the prominent socialist Laurent Fabius, labelled this option Plan B. Campaigners for a ‘Yes’ vote stated that there would be no such Plan B and that the ‘European project’ could be brought to a standstill for at least ten years.”
- Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe at Wikipedia
- “Following a period of reflection, the Treaty of Lisbon was created to replace the Constitutional Treaty. This contained many of the changes that were originally placed in the Constitutional Treaty but was formulated as amendments to the existing treaties. Signed on 13 December 2007, the Lisbon Treaty entered into force on 1 December 2009.”
Obama administration
- Ben Rhodes Reveals How Obama Duped America Into The Dangerous Iran Deal: David Reaboi at The Federalist
- “Samuels is chuckling because the game is so obviously rigged, even an outside observer would notice the con man’s shills trying unsuccessfully to blend into the crowd… The White House’s ‘force multipliers’ were put to work every time the American people got too close to the truth about the Iran deal… Iran was allowed to make a deal with the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect itself, and the terms of this deal were never turned over to Congress as the Corker-Cardin law required. Once again, friendly media action covered illegal action. Ignorant journalists who knew nothing but what they had been fed were willing partners in shutting down the debate.”
- Deadlocked Supreme Court deals big blow to Obama immigration plan: Ariane de Vogue and Tal Kopan at CNN
- “In a crushing blow to the White House, the Supreme Court announced Thursday it was evenly divided in a case concerning President Barack Obama's controversial executive actions on [illegal] immigration.” (Memeorandum thread)
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- “If the Obama administration and courts change the word ‘sex’ in the Title IX section related to bathrooms, it is changed for the entire statute.”
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- “Republicans have protested the maneuver as a hyperpartisan tactic to ram through a health bill, and have said that plans to use the reconciliation process make moot a bipartisan summit at the White House this week, where both GOP and Democratic leaders are supposed to present their ideas on healthcare.”
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