Trump targets mostly white audience
Controversial presidential candidate speaks to MSNBC, Vox, and Democratic leadership.

Democratic Party leadership and media prepare to meet Donald Trump on racial issues.
Journalists and Democrats criticized Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for appealing to a mostly white demographic in his controversial run for the White House. The Republican nominee continued a campaign lacking diversity Sunday when he spoke to a gathering of white political cronies in Washington, DC.
According to sources within the beleaguered campaign, the meeting was heavily weighted toward white elites, from the extreme white Hispanic and moderate white co-founders of to the entire lineup of corporate news channel MSNBC. Also in attendance were white-wing leadership in the House and Senate, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer, and Dick Durbin.
The latter two men are often called, by other whites in the Democratic Party, “minority whips”, which Black Lives Matter activists contend is a reminder of the slavery long supported by Democrats in the South.
“Courting the party of slavery, whose leadership still, today, celebrates whipping minorities highlights Trump’s outspoken racism,” said Black Affairs analyst Professor Eburnean Pallor III.
MSNBC Social Justice correspondent Blanche Ivory accused the Republican nominee of working with the party of slavery’s presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, and even inviting her to his daughter’s wedding.
“But the greatest injustice,” said Ivory and Pallor, “is when the Republican met with two of the whitest news outlets in America.”
“MSNBC,” said Professor Pallor.
“,” said Ms. Ivory.
Both analysts agreed that Donald Trump’s meeting Sunday disqualifies him for the presidency.
Television news ratings groups agreed that Trump showed poor judgement meeting with the white wing at MSNBC or
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